What is Humor?

Humor is "what makes stuff funny" and has the "power to evoke laughter." You will be exploring humor in a novel of your choice.

It is very important that you make wise decisions in this project since this is one of two major projects before the end of the year and it will take you several weeks.

For your individual novel, you get to choose a novel that uses humor. Making a good choice of novel will make this easier for you. Choose a novel that will expand and challenge your humor. Do not choose a novel just because you think it is short; this often makes things more difficult. Do not try to get away without reading the novel. This is a novel project - you need to READ a novel.

Make Wise Choices!

Make Wise Choices!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Holes Tiffany Fisher

In the book Holes Stanley Yelnats the third is a normal student that is bullied in high school until one day after he missed his bus due to him being bullied he has to walk home. As he is walking home he gets hit by a pair of shoes that "came out of the sky." The cops stopped him and they ended up being Clyde "Sweet Feet" Livingston, which he was donating to charity. So he went to court and they told him he has to choices either jail or Camp Green Lake, but because he has never been to camp he decided he was going to go there. His dad and his grandpa blamed everything on their "No-good-ditty-rotten-pig-stealing great-great-grandfather." They say because he did not return that pig to Madame Zeroni, that their whole family will be curse for eternity, and they believe that because his dads inventions never seemed to work out. There are characters that have nicknames for each other. For example Alan is squid, X-Ray, Jose is magnet, Theodore is Armpit,and Ricky is Zigzag. They get these names when you are accepted as one of them. Stanleys nickname is Caveman.There is one other person but he does not speck so they call him Zero. Stanley on the other hand can get him to talk. They were in a meeting when they first heard Zero talk. They have to dig five inch holes a day. There councilor said that it builds character.
I believe that this book has some humor in it. I think that the nick names add a lot of humor into the book, because they have the nicknames for a reason. For example Ray which they call him X-Ray has bad vision and can not see that well. Theodore is armpits because every time he lifts his arms, he makes people sick with the smell of his armpits. I also find it funny how they blames everything on the "No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing Great-great-grandfather." I think that it is funny that they think that the stuff that is happening to them is because of him. For example Stanleys dad is trying to invent something that will make the shoes smell better and last longer, but he seems to not be able to accomplish that so he blames it on him. Also Stanley blames his great-great-grandfather for the shoes "falling out of the sky," and getting him into trouble. So I believe that humor plays a big role in this book.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your examples of humor from the book and your opinion on why you find them funny. The summary jumped around a lot. Seemed like parts of the book was missing or not explained enough.


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