What is Humor?

Humor is "what makes stuff funny" and has the "power to evoke laughter." You will be exploring humor in a novel of your choice.

It is very important that you make wise decisions in this project since this is one of two major projects before the end of the year and it will take you several weeks.

For your individual novel, you get to choose a novel that uses humor. Making a good choice of novel will make this easier for you. Choose a novel that will expand and challenge your humor. Do not choose a novel just because you think it is short; this often makes things more difficult. Do not try to get away without reading the novel. This is a novel project - you need to READ a novel.

Make Wise Choices!

Make Wise Choices!

Monday, May 16, 2011

"point of impact" tyler palmer

there is not very much humor in this book. there is alot of irony and real life humor. humor like the feds getting outsmarted in there own game. ha that kind of humor. ya ik know its not very funny but thats all there is. the biggest and funniest irony is that through everything that goes on bob lee saves the girl and actully ends up being with her. which ks his ex partners wife. its messed up but its also ironic bc bob lee and don, his partner are supposed to be friends for life and bob lee ends up with his girl. dont choose this book. its not very funny at all. ugh

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Confessions of a Not it Girl part 2 (Josie Jackson)

Now that I've gotten deeper into the book, more of the authors humor style has become apparent. Such as whenever she thinks about a boy she even remotely likes, her daydream is in the setting of a Shakespeare play, then, at the end she says "CURTAIN". The main character also compares people to unusual famous folk, or describes them with unusual, yet humorous terms.For example, "...when all of a sudden there was a squeal. Literally a squeal. Like the violent death of some animal."Here is also an example of the sarcasm used in the book. Flirting with this guy she says"I don't like to mix business with pleasure." As the story goes on you get a better feeling for the characters, and everyones very unique personalities, that is one thing this author does well is she gives very good, detailed descriptions even of characters with the tiniest parts, but its makes the story just that much more of an experience. So, onto the summary. Jans love life is slowly progressing, while her best friend, the it girl's, is moving rapidly, she is having a thing with on of her fathers middle aged employees, even though she is only 18. Jan is falling in love with the old neighbor boy.

Ariel hudson

The book the absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian is one of the worst book I have ever read. What i mean by that is it is very sarcastic and really has no point unless your a little kid.the book is starts out like a kid would "I was born with water on my brain" who would start a book like that. At the end of the book he says "Well, the thing is, I don't thing Indians are nomadic anymore. most Indians, anyway."
I would never tell anyone to read this book, this book has a lot of sarcastic in it which makes it a humorist but its not ever funny at all. the funny thing in the book is the pictures which looks like a little kid made them.

Flush -Tram Dinh

I think that the humor is starting to show as I kept reading.
Where I left off is when Paine escaped from jail. Everything seems to be going fine and Donna and Paine became closer then ever. Since Paine couldn't do anything Noah and Abbey comes up with a plan to get Dusty and his goons shut down for good. Without telling there parents, they come to Shelly who is the only one that could help them. "She waved us inside and cheerfully resumed shaving her legs at the kitchen sink.The way she did it wasn't quite as glamorous as in the T.V commercials.Whenever she nicked herself, she'd cuss like a biker and wipe her blood away with her pinkie." I think the funniest character in the book would be Shelly, she is very blunt and she also has a sense of humor. There plan was to get on the ship and flush "fushia" food coloring down the toilet, so that's where Shelly had to flush,and flush often.I also thought that it was funny when Noah and Abbey was stopped by Bull and Jasper because Abbey clamped on to bulls ear with her teeth until he would let them go, they also found out that there was someone that was watching them they call him the "pirate" he protected them like a guardian angel.To find out it was their long lost grandpa that was supposedly dead. There is humor in this book, I just can't describe what kind it is.

the life and times of the Thunderbolt Kid.

Bill Brysons life in Iowa is very simple and boring, but in his stories he makes life sound interesting. My favorite part in the book is where he and his friend Willoughby are in Bishops diner, I'll show you the passage from the book and you'll see why. "Like me Willoughby was a devotee of Bishop's, but he was more daring and imaginative than I could ever be. He liked to turn on the table light and send the waitresses off on strange quest. "Could I have some Angostura biters, please?" He would say with a look of choirboy sweetness. Or. "Please could I have some fresh ice cubes; these are rather misshapen." Or. " Would you by any chance have a spare ladel and some tongs?" And the waitress would go clumping off to see what they could find for him. there was something about his cheery face that inspired an eagerness to please." This was just an intro so you know wWlloughby's character, he's a charmer. The following Saturday, Willoughby led me into bishops again. this time he drank half his water, then pulled from his jacket a jar filled with pond water; which he used to top his glass. When he held the glass up to the light there were about sixteen tadpoles swimming in it." For me this is my favorite passage because it actually made me laugh out loud! Who would even think about putting pond water in your glass just to get two free sundaes? Not many kids i know and it makes it even better because their so young when willoughby comes up with this plan. In his book Bryson makes you think about what he is saying, sure its funny but at the same time it makes you think it has a deeper meaning he gets his point across by being funny, like in one of his chapters where he breaks his leg on the playground no one really noticed for hours! Yeah it's funny how he says it but it makes you realize it's true when he says you cant trust adults, because come on who in their right mind wouldn't notice a kids leg turned half way around? And don't even get me started on that doctor his cheap dad took him too! The doctor didn't even know the stuff he was telling Bill and his family. After reading this I think the pot was to point out how childhood in the 1950's was much simpler then, than it is now and after reading this it kind of makes me wish I were a kid back then, but i think hes also saying in general life was simple and cheerful back then, now we have to worry about so many things, life just isn't simple anymore and it's a shame. But in my opinion i think we now have greater knowlege and common since then they did.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kendra Johnson- 24 girls in 7 days

Now that Jack Grammar is the talk of the school, girls are coming onto all different ways. Jessica Woo, a girl that goes to his school, writes a whole newspaper article explaining Jack's situation. "How did Jack go from being the slightly geeky kid who could name all thirty-some Shakespeare plays to suddenly being the flavor of the moment?" She talks about how over 200 girls responded to the ad, and how all these rumors are going around about him. In the ad she even asks Jack to call her. Jack was sitting outside his house that night and a girl drives by and yells out the window "Jack, give me babies!". Girls are going crazy over this newly popular Jack Grammar. Some girls get creepy and contact Jack's family, and Jacks sister decides to set up a speed dating date with 5 girls. She holds this speed dating in her kids play room, so Jack is sitting at this little plastic toddler table, with his date. There is a big pole in the room that is surrounded with at least eight inches of foam padding, and while hes on one date his niece runs straight into the extra-foam padded pole. Jack couldn't stop laughing and that girl got mad that he wasn't paying enough attention to her, so she got up and left. Too bad for him huh, cause he only has about 199 other girls that want him. One of the speed date girls wants to play one-on-one basketball with him. They went out and she beat him by a long shot so hes pretty much in love with her. There's one part that's kinda funny because Jack says why his favorite day is Thursday, because he was born on a Thursday and conceived on a Thursday. At school that day a hippie girl, Mary, with huge out-of-date glasses according to Jack came up to him and played a song she wrote for him on her guitar. That night, star football player, Scott comes a knocking on Jack's door in his wheelchair because he broke his leg. Scott begged Jack to go to prom with his girlfriend because she thought it would look dumb if she went with a guy in a wheel chair to prom, but Jack talks Scott's girlfriend into taking Scott. Every year at prom, Percys' grandpa, who is also the janitor at the school, start off prom by dancing to the first dance. Everyone watches in an awe because there two people that you can tell that are in love and always have been. This year, Percy's grandpa is really sick, and is still in the hospital. At the end of the book, Jack doesn't find one girl he actually wants to go to prom with. (which was a big waste of the whole 24/7 thing) So he asks Percys' grandma to go with him. She said yes, so Jack and Percy's grandma started off prom this year.

Jeff Frahm

The second half of breakfast of champions, in my opinion, is not as humorous as the first half. I find it to be sort of dry. It does have it's moments but after reading the rest of this book I figure out that the novel was written for the sole purpose to mocking. The narrator, who we find out at the end of the novel to be Kurt Vonnegut himself, makes fun of everything. He mocks the characters, the situations they are in, politics, and so on. So in a way this novel is just one giant satire created to mock everything.

For example, he mocks that ideas or the lack of ideas can cause diseases. This develops further as the story goes on. I find this to be ridiculous which is pretty much the point of the novel, to be ridiculous. Also, Kilgore Trout throughout the story spreads the fact that he calls mirrors "leaks" and they are used to see into another universe. Well in chapter 20 he walks into the Holiday Inn hotel and finds himself surrounded by all these "leaks" and describes what he saw. He saw a bum looking old man with red eyes and his pant legs pulled up to the knees. This I find to be funny because of the ridiculous thoughts he has about this image being from another universe. This is the type of humor that I received throughout the novel. It is at some points hard to understand the humor but there are definite forms of it throughout the novel.

Holes post 2

At this point in my book Stanley and Zero have become very good friends. Stanley has agreed to help Zero read if he helps dig his holes. Mean while every one else is digging their own hills. There is a new kid that comes in. They call him twitch, and him and Stanley decided to steal the sunflower seeds from Mr. Sir. When they got caught Stanley took the blame. Kate was really upset cause they were burning down her school because she kissed Sam so she ran off but she got caught. When Stanley and Zero got caught helping each other, Zero got mad and took the shovel and smashed Mr. Pendanski in the face and ran away. Later on a few days later Stanley stole the water truck to try to get away but crashed it into a hole. He then ran looking for Zero. When he found zero they decided they were going to go up to the "thumb." Zero got got really sick and Stanley carried him up the mountain. When they got to the top they found water and food, which was onions still in the ground. Zero told Stanley that they should go back to the camp to get a shovel to dig one more hole. They ended up going to the camp and got a shovel. They dug a hole and found a treasure chest with Stanley Yelnats written on it. In the morning they found both Zero and Stanley. In the end they got to go home with all the treasure and the family was no longer "cursed." Zero met his mom and was reunited with her.
There was not very many funny parts in the book but it was all based on a comedy that everyone can relate to in life, from failure, to getting into some type of trouble. Also the bondingship two stangers can have with eachother and unite together to help one another.I believe that everyone can relate to this book in some way.

Anthony Simenson

The Family goes to Disneyland and they dont know how but some how they get split up and they cant find each other. So the kid just walks around and doesnt know any english so he cant communicate with anyone because nobody will understand him. He finds Mickey Mouse and just stands by him untell they get someone to help communicate with them, they eventually find each other and on there way back home they were making jokes about how they cant communicate with anyone and how they got lost. once they got home they always watch a tv show that is a game show. on the game show they get 3 turns to bowl a strike and they win money for every pin they knock down. Farsi father thinks that it looks easy so he goes to where the tryouts are at which is like an hour away from there home, first time he doesnt make it, so he goes again and advances to the next day. He wins on the second day to go on the show and while on the show he does something that they never have seen before, he only knocks down 3 pins.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Franzis Rios

The narrator in Angus, thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging is a teenager who is trying to get through life which at times comes very difficult to her. Her parents aren't much of a help and expect her to be the one who has to step up and take care of her little sister Libby. Libby is a toddler in which is a handful and often has embarrassing moments in front of her friends in public places. The narrator still is so concern that boys will never be interested in her and that she will never receive her first kiss. School is a adventure doing yoga every day after lunch is her daily routine. Which she calls it "The Sun Salute" she has may funny moves that involve her yoga moves. Raising your hands up is considered "welcoming the sun" and bending down is there for acting like you are not worthy to anyone. Some interruptions happen while she is enjoying her Sun Salute sections. Her teachers walk in on her while she is doing other poses which are very embarrassing to the her. Also at school that i found humorous is the way that her friends and her make up lists during class to see what they want in a boyfriend and the qualities that they need to have. The title of this book fits it very well Angus the cat that is very different than other cats and the thongs that the narrator and her friends think are the most uncomfortable thing that any one could wear and full-frontal snogging witch means kissing with all the trimmings, lip to lip, open mouth, tongues....everything(page 239. Angus, thong Full-Frontal snogging is a book that is humorous in many levels and the way that a teenagers mind things from having random things pop up in her head what she calls the "sex god" to her understanding of relationships that she thinks she may never have. Untill the sex god has landed.

Zombie Butts From Uranus

Part II

At this point in the story our hero Zach travels back to his home town to find it destroyed. In a panic Zach heads over to his beloved Grandma's house, to his surprise the house is untouched. After a while he learns that his gran is The Pincher a butt fighting warrior. The attack on the city isn't over and the duo is doomed. Luckily Zach's friend from the academy arrives to their rescue.

The group decides to go to the safest place they can think of, the academy. Sadly the academy is flattened. Next they head over to the Bumt Fighters Rest Home and find some old bum fighters from grans old crew. They decide to be proactive and form a new kick ass group of butt kickers called Mabel's Angles.

The team devises a plan to lure the zombie butts into a maggot lair. They strike a deal with the Mutant Maggot Lord and the plan works because Zach uses his previous knowledge from the fortune teller and does the Hokey-Pokey. The Maggot Lord betrays the team and tries to have them killed. But the maggots were zombified from the inside out because of the zombie butts and turns on their leader and the group escapes.

The Great White Bum lands on Earth and takes gran from the group and heads for the brown hole the group chases after and gets sucked into the hole. The hole shoots them out on Uranus right next to Zach's parents. They all fly home to and find a funeral being held for them. Zach receives and award and after excepting in he lets out a big ol fart.

My thoughts.

This book has many qualities that kids would love in a book. But for me the book is too childish. I can only take so much toilet humor. I know the book is fiction but there are so many situations that are so far fetched it's hard to read. My last point of criticism is that I feel that the book is rushed. It has so much build up and it ends so fast.

Any 10 year old boy would love this book, but when your a senior in high school the very thing that makes this book sell sends you overboard.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

He's just not that into you- Sandra Salazar

Many books are intersting just through the end or the beginning, but i must say this book has actually gotten better and better. I could not put this book down, it made me laugh at the many things this girls were willing to go through for a guy that did not even appreciate them. The sarcasm in this book made this book so much better, it gave me a good laugh and it helped me see the advices Greg gave to the girls better and bright, than for them to sound like your getting lecture or like their making you feel stupid.

Greg is a really good man at advicing girls with relationships. Throughout this book girls went through hard situations, such as their special some one dissapearing on them out of the no where, or their speial someone cheated on them and later blamed them for their action. Greg gave many ladies advice on how to not settle for a loser boyfriend and to keep going with dignity and not let the guys see your falls. Greg said many guys try to handle you however they like, and do with you as they please, but that it's up to us girls if we allow them to treat us worthless. Will be treated the way we allow people to treat us, so Gregs advice is to grow some dignity and get out of a relationship when you dont feel like your not receiving the same amount as what you put into that relationship. This book was a good book that i would recommend to other girls and even guys, because its a funny book. But i think this is enough information about this book, now its up to you to read to find out what happens and how good it is.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Al Capone Does My Shirts (Hannah Snyder)

Moose's journey continues on as he helps Piper with her task. Successfully collecting and returning the laundered clothes, Piper splits the money between them. Since Moose wasn't fully committed, he receives nothing. Unfortunately, the Warden finds out, resulting in their scheme to be foiled. Strangely, the Warden places all the blame on Moose, when he accepted no payment. To escape Moose's 'bad influcence' Piper is sent to live with her grandmother, making Moose very jealous since he does not want to live on Alcatraz. Naturally, the two months that Piper is away, no one gets in trouble, not a single incident occurs.
Upon Piper's return, trouble brews again. One of their school mates become close to Piper in an attempt to receive a convict baseball. Despite the fact that Moose absolutely despises Piper, he becomes jealous from all the attention his classmate is receiving. In determination to end the relationship, Moose proceeds to look for a baseball. Unhappily, he drags Natalie around with him in his searches. A few days into their search, Moose leaves Natalie alone outside near the prison grounds. Here, she meets a convict, number 105. He gives her a convict baseball. Frightened by what just occurred, Moose hurriedly drags her away, and runs into, Piper. Knowing he's in deep trouble, he hands over the baseball to avoid interrogation from her. Moose's plan, 'break up his friends' mission was a success, Piper eventually gave him the baseball and they ceased to talk.
Moose continues to babysit his sister, while his Mother continues to try to get her into a special school that will help her. Their Mother becomes estranged as Moose and his Father repeatedly tell their Mother that Natalie is not ten, and far too old to attend the school. Eventually, it is revealed that Natalie is truly 16, not 10.
In a desperate attempt to help his sister and mother, Moose writes to Al Capone. One of the most famous criminal of all times. A week later, Natalie is accepted, and Moose finds, in his shirt, a crumpled note that says Done.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Emily Jensen-- Post 2

So, my last post ended with Emma just getting ready for her date with Jack. the second hal of the book was all about how Jack and Emma started a relationship and all the ups and downs of it. Their first date was a complete disaster, so Emma wanted to plan the second one.. which started out really bad to but then they ended up having pizza on a park bench, just spending time together. When Jack has to go because of some emrgency they have their first kiss goodbye. That Saturday was the corporate family day, which all the employees bring thier family to this big occasion. The employees were all supposed to wear comstumes but with Emma trying to impress Jack by looking nice she didnt wear a costume, however when she shows up she if forced to change and put on a snow white costume. She had also 'forgotten' to tell her parents about the event so they werent coming she told Cyril. But to her unknowing they soon show up because Artemis had told them all about one day when her parents had tried to reach Emma by phone. So, Jack ended up meeting all her family and ended exposing Kerry for how she really treated Emma. and then Emma ended up telling her off infront of her parents and Nev, and for the first time her parents realize how she really felt. After that Jack and Emma end up going into one of Jack's rooms at the place and they had sex....numerous times.... She has fallen for him. she feels so happy for days, but then... one day Jack has an interview on tv about stuff and he ends up talking about a new idea the company has and some how he starts naming off all these secrets and habits that Emma has (not using her name though) but everyone at the company was watching it and realizes its Emma tht he's talking about so now everyone that she knows knows all her secrets that Jack wss supposed to keep secret, this made Emma veryyy mad and Jack tries talking to her about it later saying he didnt mean to but she won't listen and she is upset that he knows everyhting about her yet she knows nothing about him. so she doesnt talk to him for a long time but then Emma tells her two roommates about it and the one, Jemina, wants to help her get revenge, and this girl is crazy! she was coming up with all sorts of ways to get him back, but what she ended up doing was getting a tabloid journalist to figure out what secret Jack was hiding. by this time Jack had finally told Emma the secret and they had made up and were getting along but then Jack saw Emma sitting in a room with her roommates and the journalist and he thought she was telling his secret so her got mad. But then later that night he comes back to her and starts telling her all his little secrets like that he's scared of the dark and keeps a baseball bat under his bed just in case, and that he doesn't actually like Panther Cola , that he prefers Pepsi, which is ironic since he is co-ineventor of the Panther comapny. and then the books ends with them walking off together with Jack telling Emma all his secrets.

This book is actually really good. it goes inside a girl's mind and shows what oridnary people can go through alot and end up getting things they could have never imagined. This book is pretty funny with all the drama there is between the roomates, and between Emma and Jack and then also Emma and her coworkers. Emma seemed to sometimes overreact with sometimes with the whole jack keeping secrets and stuff, and her roommate espically did, because she goes from guy to guy and she wouldnt believe that jack actually liked emma and then when her hurt her she wanted to go to extreme to get him back to show woman are powerful. But of course in the end Emma came out on top with her man Jack!

Monday, May 2, 2011

"point of impactpr

i know my post is late i had to find a book thati both liked and thought was funny. i decided on point of impact which is about a ex marine sniper who is forced in a race to clear his name and take out the ppl who are trying to kill him. im about half way through the book and bob lee has lost his parnter and has been shot. he successfully disarmed a profesionally trained fbi agent in less than three seconds. haha that shows the greatness on marine training. alothugh this isnt meant to be a humor book there are some pretty funny parts. like when he runs into a woman who turned out to be the widowed wife of his old partner that he lost in cobat. they end up getting together. ha partners for life huh? bob lee single handedly took out a rebel force who kidnapped the guy trying to help bob. why dont ppl give up they cant kill a marine. hope ppl have broad sense of humor and dont just expect like jokes haha humor. this book has real life humor.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Confessions of an it girl

Ok so this chick, Jan whose name is really pronounce Yahn, goes to this hoity toity school in Brooklyn New York. her Best friend was named one of New Yorks top ten it girls for the year, ya know, like people to watch, cuz they are cool or something like that. So anyways, that causes a lot of crap for her, because she always kind of feels like her friend is better than her and that she is the embarrassing less successful one in the bunch. She makes all these mistakes with boys and other little things in her daily life that she, doesn't think are funny, but as a reader it is hilarious. and I also can relate, actually the character and I have a lot of similarities, I mean, not the fact that we both live in Brooklyn or anything, but just her personality, and making stupid mistakes all the time. She is also a bit of an inner drama queen, such as myself, making a big deal out of all the stupid junk she does(on an almost hourly basis). also there are some funny puns and interesting sarcasm spoken by her friend. i enjoy this book, only book i have since like the 8th grade, so it must been good then.(by the way, I probably sound like an idiot in this post, my appologies)

Brittany Beaulieu

Well.....The irony is they always talk about a butt. The sacarcasim is how his butt flys off of his body all the time. This book so far is basically about how this kid Zack Freemen's butt comes undetached all the time and roams around the city. It's not only his butt that comes off his body. There are also other people that have the same problem. The butts plan to get all together and form one big huge fart by building up a large amount of methane gas and put it in a bumcano. WHich is like a canyon but its a butt canyon. He later on meets the butt hunter.

Kayla Petty- "We're just like you, only prettier"

This book is basically a what-not-to-do when trying to move away from the South. The irony is the truth about how Southerners actually do act so much different than us in Iowa. There are five parts in the book that are based off of many different aspects of life such as; "The Southern Family, Kids, Couples Therapy: Southern Style, The Southern Woman, and The Gravy on the Gritz." There is a great amount of sarcasim. My favorite chapter so far is "Stop watching your Plasma TV and start giving plasma." This chapter explains a quick way to make money. Another chapter explains how schooling was a very important part of like as well. The best thing about winning the lottery according to this Southern Belle's brother was, "it can provide up to $4,500 for college and could buy you lots of beer and hot girls." Some of the jokes are dry so you have to think about them or read on but when you get them they are really funny. The irony is great throughout the whole book so far. I am anticipating what they have to say above the Southern Woman.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Walk in the Woods

This book is for the most part about how a guy ( bill bryson) decides to one day go on a hike on the Appalachian Trail that stretches over 2,160 miles. He says he wants to do it to reconnect with nature and the beauty of the American landscape after being out of the country for several years. The trip takes a while to plan out, so the whole time that he is waiting he researches about the AT. Then he explains all the diseases like schistosomiasis, ehrlichiosis, and lymes disease and how horrible each and every one is and chances of getting them. Next he goes on about his fear of bears and he tells a few horror stories about them too. He starts buying his hiking gear which is very expensive because he has to plan out about 6 months of his time. For the most part he sounds very sarcastic because he explains almost all the worst case scenarios you can ever think of and how horrible it will be carrying around a 40 pound pack every single day up hills and mountains. At the same time though he says it giving all the facts and details and statistics on each thing, pointing out obious flaws in the world. Even after talking about all of that he still manages to get one of his very old friends to come on the trip with him, Stephan Katz. So both are in thier late thirties and bill points out right away that neither of them are in good shape for this journey but both willing start to trudge on the trail. After about 2 miles Katz had fallen way behind and Bill had to stop from exhaustion, explaining how just that morning they had talked about how they would walk 8.9 miles by lunch and 16.8 by supper. Then they continue at a much slower pace with little exagerated stories usually coming from Katz and witty humor between the two of them. Not to mention Bill likes to look up all kinds of random things about the trail then he will give you hard facts about these things and then make fun of them and you cant help but think he might be right!

24 girls in 7 days Kendra Johnson

The book starts out with dorky, Jack Grammar, talking to one of his best friends, Percy. Natalie and Percy are Jack’s best friends, or only friends pretty much. It starts with Jack asking this girl, Pamela, to “the prom”. She kind of made it sound like a yes and then he started going on and on and turned the almost yes into a no. ( Jack goes on and on in the book about how his whole life he used to think prom is so magical and they dreams come true on this special night) Percy and Natalie use this as a sign that they need to help their friend, Jack, get a prom date. After all, they were his best friends so why wouldn’t they try to help him. Natalie and Percy put up a personal ad on the school website that is a little poem about Jack asking for a prom date. At their school no one used the personal ad so when they put this up on the website everyone could see it. Jack found out about the ad, and was furious that someone would do this even as a joke. But within hours, there were responses to the ad. Natalie and Percy told Jack the next day that they had about 150 girls respond to the ad that wanted to go to prom with him, or at least get to know him. He was mad at first, but then it got him thinking about actually taking one of the girls to prom. So, Natalie and Percy came up with these fabulous ideas to have him go out on dates with 24 of the girls in 7 days and on the last day he would have to choose his prom date by midnight. Jack isn’t too fond of the idea, he’s only had one “girlfriend” and that only lasted about a half hour because they met at the airport and when she was leaving for her plane she gave Jack a kiss before she left. Jack didn’t have hardly any experience with girls, as you can tell. He really did’t have a choice when girls started showing up at his house for surprise dates because he wouldn’t answer his phone half the time. A couple girls even went as far as writing his name across their chests’. Throughout the book someone kept instant messaging him under the name fancy pants and giving him advice on which girls he should actually be going out with. All the girls he kept meeting and hanging out with seemed to be going good, he even got a couple more kisses. When he went on his date with Laura Gliden, and he even got really drunk, which was something hes never done. He was worried about his kissing, so he told fancy pants about his problems and she told him to practice with a good friend. So, he told Natalie and she was okay with helping a friend, even if it meant kissing him for a couple hours until he go the hang of it. Natalie showed Jack where to put his hands and told him to say “olive” when he kissed because that mimicked the motions you need to make with your lips and tongue. After he kind of got the hang of it, he started saying other things like; states, presidents, foods, places, and anything else he could think of. Jack Grammar was the talk of the school with everyone knowing about the ad, and the 24 girls in 7 days. More girls kept trying to come onto him because of his new popularity. Some girls would even get mad when he would reject them and act like they were way better then him. Jack didn’t under stand why these girls would act like that when their the ones that asked him out.

I found this book very humorous so far. Jack’s character is funny because of how awkward things are, like when he tries to talk to girls or when hes actually on a date with one. It relates to people a lot because while your reading it you feel how awkward or funny things are as the author portrays them to be.

Ashley Edwards The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid

I'm reading The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid which takes place in 1950's Des Moines Iowa. In the begining he relates almost everything to being a kid in the 50's in Des Moines and how American everything was and how everything was better in Des Moines, but he does it in a funny way and he talks about the events that happened in the 50's in a humorous way. He's very sarcastic about his past and refers to everything as Kid World and how everything is much different in Kid World then in the "Real World" His flash backs are taken place in his childhood. "We used to amuse ourselves by challenging her to supply our dates of birth or, if that proved to taxing, the seasons." This is a quote I picked because I think he is funny to get his point of veiw across hell put two opposite things together like how his mom would forget their birthdays but compare it to how she forgot her son didnt like cottage cheese because of Uncle Dee. Whenever Bill is in a situation he doesn't like he switches into his alter ego Thunderbolt Kid which is funny because he thinks he has special powers and its funny to read Bill's story then to read the Thunderbolt Kid's side.

"Flush" by Carl Hiaasen.

"I found myself studying the shape of his head, which reminded me of an extra large walnut.He wore his air in a buzz cut, and you could see shiny lumps and crinkles in the skin of his scalp."I guess the only humorous thing in this book is that their specific in detail.Otherwise there really is no humor,or is just that I don't get it.

Well the main characters in this book is Noah and Abbey. Their dad is in jail for sinking a ship called the Coral Queen .Paine (Noah and Abbey's father) believed that the ship was dumping sewage out into the open waters he couldn't do anything about it because he didn't have evidence, so his only choice was to sink the ship, that's why he is in jail. Then later they found out that Noah and Abbey decides to take matters into their own hands and goes out and tries to find evidence to get the ship shut down. Jasper Jr. was Dusty's son and a bully to Noah, continuously bullies Noah, giving him a black eye and spits on his face. Of course the boat was soon re opened and afloat. They wanted to get "Lice" (an old worker from the coral queen) to give a witness statement, but he wanted money. "Noah,I think I could help you." that's what Shelly(Lice's ex-fiancée) said to Noah. Lice soon went missing and Shelly believes that he was kidnapped because she found blood stains in her jeep. Meanwhile, Noah and Abbey are worrying about their mom because she was talking about getting a divorce, ever since Paine gotten himself arrested Dorra (Paine's wife) has been very angry. In the book it also mentions Pain'es dad Bobby who they say died in Colombia and they can't get his body home because there was a problem in the paperwork.I think that that's an important thing to know, maybe it is a twist in the story later.The part where I stop was when Paine escapes from jail and came home.

I thought the book had a lot of interesting plots and twists that keeps a readers a attention. I haven't read anything that I thought was funny yet.

-Tram Dinh

Jeff Frahm

Breakfast of Champions is a humerus novel about Kilgore Trout, a science-fiction novelist, and Dwayne Hoover, a well-to-do pontiac dealer. Chapter one basically just introduces to two main characters of the novel. It then goes on to tell how Dwayne ended up going to an asylum and how Kilgore became obsessed with the notion that ideas can cause disease along with curing it. Chapter two then goes on to tell the living conditions of both Dwayne and Kilgore. Instead of telling about the rest of the chapters I'll tell about the kind of humor that is used in the novel and maybe a few examples of how it is used. In chapter 5, there is really great use of satire and disruption of the social norm when Kilgore talks about trying to sleep in the movie theater when he got to New York. This is funny in and of itself but what is hilarious about it is his reasoning which was "sleeping in movie houses was the sort of thing that dirty old men do." In a way I can see a sort of sarcasm in the tone of how he says it. In chapter 7 in the bathroom of the movie houses, there was something written on the wall that said "what is the purpose of life". Kilgore wanted to respond to this, "To be the eyes and ears and conscience of the Creator of the Universe, you fool." This is funny because of his kind of use of a snarky tone.

Joe Chavez

The book I chose was Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Craddle. The book revolves around the main character he identified himself as Jonah, there is no real description except that he is a male. He is an author writing a book over the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, but the topic isn't the bomb it's over one of the creators of the bomb Felix Hoenikker and how he spend his day on the day of the bomb. He is described as a different kind of a person he has a family but he is like a child depending on his daughter to take care of the whole family, the mother died. Well the humor starts off slow with more of a satirical humor on religion, Jonah refers back to the book of Bokonon in most of his daily thoughts, he also retrospects when he was christian. Bokonoism is described as a religion created on lies. There is many aspects to bokonism he intrudces many parts of it like karass which is a team because religion is split up into groups in bokonisim. I feel like he is using this made up religion to show how people that follow religion strictly sound and act ridicuolous. There are many instenses when he brings up God to a person and they clearly over react to what he has said. The next humorous component of my novel is that of the fact that the Hoenikker family is the furthest to normal that you could think of. First of all the Father he is a child but also a genious he would come in contact with something and he would focus and look at it in a different way. The oldest the daughter was described as reserved never had a boyfriend didn't have any friends and played the clairinet. The oldest son Franklin is a figure head for a communist government on an island not so far from cuba. The youngest son is a midget with a russian bride double his age. Jonah also comes into contact with collegues which lead to humorous situations, he is just trying to get information for his book and the twist and turns have lead him to meet his not so normal family.

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy nikalas king

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a story about Arthur Dent and his friend ford perfect who is an alien and in the first two they are making of how slow humans and how humans are fascinated they are with digital clocks and how angry people on planet earth and how dull and boring this planet is while there are ways to solve this problems all the people rather mess with other things that wont make them any more happy or sad. they talk about how Arthur Dent has a problem because they are to destroy his house they tell him the bypass must be built that there was a time to protest by it has passed even thought he just found out yesterday and to find the papers about the bypass he had to go in to the basement and in the bottom of the cabinet meanwhile his friend ford is telling him that none of it will matter because the world will be ending in a few minutes ford convinces to go for a drink tell him that he is an alien and he has a book call "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and that the world is going to be destroyed he believes when spacecrafts show up ford hitch hikes off the plant and there a bit of irony here because the alien about to destroy the world say the say thing that the people destroy Arthur's house the earth was also being destroy because they need to make a by pass in space.

- Ariel Hudson

The book is kinda funny, but the book is all over the place. The book is writen like a kid in grade school wrote it, the book is good but the humor is funny in a little kids way. The book pictuces are abotu the funny thing in the book like the picture on 19, the book is not as funny as the title of the book Italic the absolutely true diary of a part-time indian. the book is funny like a little kid comedy which is not really funny but if u think little kids are funny.

The bio of this book is the the little boy is sick like has health problems. he is also a budding artist and hopes to use his work to connect people. He has a hard life and his family does not have much money so he gets picked on and when he went to school, but now he gets homeschool now which is a good thing but he does not have many friends, his best friend name is tough guy Rowdy.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is about two men, Hunter S. Thompson and his "lawyer" Dr. Gonzo; who's goal in this story is to basically endure and recommend drugs to Thompson. With his Chevy convertible, and a trunk full of illegal narcotics, they set out their journey into the desert to reach Las Vegas. This story is quite hilarious so far. With all the drug induced encounters, he goes through he ll trying to complete his job which is to be a journalist for the upcoming event, "The Mint 400," which is a motorcycle race. Never accomplishing but never giving up, their quest to write this column is becoming quite a conundrum because they are creating havoc making people to get upset, and even get violent against them making them fail so far.

This book is quite comical due to the large amount of dry humor in it. With their hallucinogenic journey, they come across many enemies that interfere with their goal which is to live his own idea of the"American Dream" and have an amazing time at the same time. This book describes in great detail what he is undergoing during the story; involving his partner in crime, and his intoxicating state, making this story a must to read.

Holes Tiffany Fisher

In the book Holes Stanley Yelnats the third is a normal student that is bullied in high school until one day after he missed his bus due to him being bullied he has to walk home. As he is walking home he gets hit by a pair of shoes that "came out of the sky." The cops stopped him and they ended up being Clyde "Sweet Feet" Livingston, which he was donating to charity. So he went to court and they told him he has to choices either jail or Camp Green Lake, but because he has never been to camp he decided he was going to go there. His dad and his grandpa blamed everything on their "No-good-ditty-rotten-pig-stealing great-great-grandfather." They say because he did not return that pig to Madame Zeroni, that their whole family will be curse for eternity, and they believe that because his dads inventions never seemed to work out. There are characters that have nicknames for each other. For example Alan is squid, X-Ray, Jose is magnet, Theodore is Armpit,and Ricky is Zigzag. They get these names when you are accepted as one of them. Stanleys nickname is Caveman.There is one other person but he does not speck so they call him Zero. Stanley on the other hand can get him to talk. They were in a meeting when they first heard Zero talk. They have to dig five inch holes a day. There councilor said that it builds character.
I believe that this book has some humor in it. I think that the nick names add a lot of humor into the book, because they have the nicknames for a reason. For example Ray which they call him X-Ray has bad vision and can not see that well. Theodore is armpits because every time he lifts his arms, he makes people sick with the smell of his armpits. I also find it funny how they blames everything on the "No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing Great-great-grandfather." I think that it is funny that they think that the stuff that is happening to them is because of him. For example Stanleys dad is trying to invent something that will make the shoes smell better and last longer, but he seems to not be able to accomplish that so he blames it on him. Also Stanley blames his great-great-grandfather for the shoes "falling out of the sky," and getting him into trouble. So I believe that humor plays a big role in this book.

Can You Keep a Secret?--Emily Jensen

The Book Can You Keep a Secret? starts off with the narrartor, Emma, thinking a whole bunch of random thoughts while she is at a meeting representing Pather Corporation, in London. When she tries to impress Glen Oil's head guy she ends up having a Fizzy cranberry-flavored drink explode his shirt and his papers, which did not make him happy. So that pretty much ruined any chances of them wanting to finialize the promotion they were doing together. After that she had her flight back home, which she had just now realized she is scared of flying. So, to help calm her down she had a few drinks before the flight; she ended up being half drunk by the time she got on the plane. To make things worse, the plane started having very bad turbulence problems, which really freaked her out. So, she ended up just blirted out all her thoughts and secrets to the gentlemen sitting next to her. She was saying things like "I've never done anything to make my parents proud of me," and "...sometimes I water her stupid spider plant with orange juice, just to serve her right..." In the end they ended up landing safely, and she felt stupid for thinking they were all going to die and she told a complete stranger all these things about her. Then that next week she was in for a real surprise. At her work their inventor of the whole company, Jack Harper, was visiting the company. To her surprise it was the same guy she had told everything to on the plane. But to summarize all this part he remembered her and he started to become interested in her but she was dating this other guy, but over that week Jack would try to get chances to talk to Emma and he would always hint towards something that she had said in the plane. The last day that he was supposed to be in town they had an intense talk in the elevator and he questioned why she was even with the other guy and they got to a small arguement and then he got off the elevator. Later that day she broke it off with her boyfriend and then Jack found out and ended up staying til the next monday so he could talk to Emma and then he asked her out on a date.

I find this book pretty humorous because, Emma is just an ordianary young adult that has all this stuff happen to her. She can't make her parents proud, she doesn't hold a stable job for very long, tells the head boss EVERYTHING, almost gets caught having sex in the work place with herboyfriend, and then like the dumps her boyfriend. And where i left off she was just getting into the car with her multimillionare date.

Franzis Rios

" Libby has used the last of my sanitary towels to make hammocks for her dolls". In the book titled Angus, thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging the narrator has a journal that she writes in many times a day at different times. She has a younger sister in which her name is Libby. Libby can be very annoying and like you notices in the first sentence of my post she likes to experiment with things that aren't what they are used for. She has a very interesting looking cat which she had to beg her mother onto letting her bring home. Angus is the cat name, now Angus likes to fight with the neighbors small dog, making the neighbors better known as "Mr. and Mrs. Next Door not like Angus. though out the story so far it does not mention the narrators name. She really wants a boy friend and has many questions on how her first kiss would be. Now the char actor looks up to a teen magazine that she reads. She feel that she is very ugly and that no guy would want her. She has a what she calls "Sex God" that speaks to her which simply refers to when ever she thinks about kissing a boy or talking to a boy that she likes. This book is very interesting just because you get to read about things that a teen would write in a journal and her emotions yet humorous ways.

Sandra Salazar

when you first pick up this book i know you must think "i dont need a book to learn about guy." but in reality this book is actually pretty good and shows you many things you may not know yet. the back of this book basically gives it all. It describes what this book is about and how guys are not really that confusing, as we girls think they are. In reality were the one's confusing ourselves.

In this book the Author Greg Behrendt gives many women's advice on guys that are not worth their time. He says that guys rather make up excuses to why he cant call you or see you, than to straight up tell you he is not that into you. He explains that many women's set up excuses for why guys wont call them or see them, and they never actually take the time to ralize their just waisting their time and beauty on a loser that does not even want them.

Here are some examples from the book;

In chapter one Greg open's Liz eyes on man. she tries to make rational excuses for the men that wont call her or wont try to see her again, but Greg lets her and many other women know that as soon as they quit setting up excuses for this man, this man will dissapear out of their lives and they will have the chance to find a better guy that will be interested in them, and that will treat them how they deserve to be treated. He points out the lies that man use on the ladies just to try to avoid them; such as he is too busy, he is going througgh struggles, or that they dont want to ruin their friendship, etc. He points out guys in his lies, and many women's try to make excuses for this man just to keep hearing from them or seeing them. He makes girls see that their worth more than a guy that avoids you makes you feel like.
The humor in this book is good. This book hause made me laugh with grreg's sarcasm; like when in this part it says " so on this particular day, one of the ladies pipes up with, "Greg you're a guy." she is very observant, this one, for i am a guy." This kind of sarcasm had me laughing.

In chapter three Greg talks about how girls assume that if a guy wants to hang out, he is immediatly trying to date her. But on many occasions the girls take things the wrong ways and try to make excuses for thing, just so in their heads this love affair (thats not even happening) plays off right. I have only read first half of this book, and i must say i cant put this book down. Its humor makes me laugh like no other book before and the main message on guys has kind of taught me some things. My next post should approach very soon

Franzis rios

Funny in Farsi Anthony Simenson

This story makes fun of the new student in the class that knows a little english and doesn't understand most of what everyone is telling her. One day her mom went to school with her to see what its like and what to see what she goes though everyday at school. Her parents always do things that make her look funny, and she tries to tell them that, but they don't listen to her. One day during school her teacher asked them where Iran was at on the map, and none of them knew and the teacher pointed at a country and the mom just shook her head yes that is were it is and she just did that to make it look like she knew it all the time she just didn't want anyone else to know.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Al Capone Does My Shirts (Hannah Snyder)

Al Capone Does My Shirts is a novel that takes place on Alcatraz in 1935. Known by many Alcatraz held some of the most dangerous convicts such as Al Capone, the Birdman, and Machine gun Kelly. The main character, Matthew Flanagan, nicknamed 'Moose' due to his giant stature, is 15 when his family moves to Alcatraz due to his father's job as a prison guard. Moose is thrown into a whirlwind of new experiences and social drama.
Since the book is in a first person view, told from Moose, much of the humor revolves around his reactions to the stimulus. Other parts of the humor also is with his sister Natalie, her age is currently unknown, but their mother refers to her as being 10. Anyway... Moose is stuck with his sister after her rejection from a school, which doesn't seem too bad, except she has a psychological disorder, or so her family thinks. Being stuck with his sister brings more humor to the story, with her tagging along, the other Alcatraz kids find her strange, and weird, making it harder for Moose to make friends. Piper, the Warden's daughter, doesn't make things easier for Moose either, she drags Natalie and him into a whirlwind of trouble. He receives a warm welcome from the Warden when he is called in his house for a personal meeting. Here he is basically threatened by the Warden as he lays down the law for Moose.
First rule of Alcatraz: Don't about Alcatraz.
Unfortunately for Moose, Piper breaks this rule on the first day of Moose's arrival to the new school. Following her lead, he also breaks the rule, and upon breakage, Piper is able to blackmail Moose into helping her with a secret laundry service. On the island one of the convicts jobs is to wash the laundry. So, in an attempt to make some side money Piper devised a plan involving Moose much to his dismay. Currently in the midst of the book Piper's plan is working, including her blackmail against Moose.

Here is an example of the humor Natalie's disorder:
Moose is trying to get Natalie to change out of her bathing suit and into a dress so they can go outside to meet Piper.

I'm thinking I'm wasting my breath when Natalie starts to take off her suit, I walk out of my room and close the door.
"All done, Nat?" I ask when I hear her come out.
When I turn around she's standing in the living room totally naked
I can feel my whole face get red. Even the tips of my ears burn. I don't want to see my sister naked. "No! You can't do that!" I run to the front window and yank the drapes closed.
-Page 92-
This is just one of the many humorous parts of the story where Moose must struggle with his sister to do simple things.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Zombie Butts From Uranus

This is a brief summary of the first part of the novel.

To start the story off Zach is in a butt fighting simulator which he fails. After Failing the simulator Zach leaves his butt fighting academy to head home to his grandma. On his way home he runs into a psychic who can tell your future by feeling your butt. The "bum-feeler" tells him he will be the savior of man kind and gives him three pieces of advice, save the world with tomato sauce, do the hokey-pokey, and don't fear the brown hole.

Meanwhile Zach's scientist parents (James and Judi) got a sample bum from Uranus because they found out they are what make up the planets rings. while preforming and experiment they dissect the butt and notice that it regenerates itself!!! Shorty after they notice an object crash into Uranus and explodes. The explosion wakes up all the butts on the planet and the butt on board with James and Judi. The butt attaches itself to James' real butt, this causes James to attempt to eat his wife. Judi takes the butt off and then it attaches over her bum, James wakes up and snatches the butt and disposes of it. The two fly back down to Uranus to investigate the crash.

And this is where I leave you hanging till next time.