What is Humor?

Humor is "what makes stuff funny" and has the "power to evoke laughter." You will be exploring humor in a novel of your choice.

It is very important that you make wise decisions in this project since this is one of two major projects before the end of the year and it will take you several weeks.

For your individual novel, you get to choose a novel that uses humor. Making a good choice of novel will make this easier for you. Choose a novel that will expand and challenge your humor. Do not choose a novel just because you think it is short; this often makes things more difficult. Do not try to get away without reading the novel. This is a novel project - you need to READ a novel.

Make Wise Choices!

Make Wise Choices!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sandra Salazar

when you first pick up this book i know you must think "i dont need a book to learn about guy." but in reality this book is actually pretty good and shows you many things you may not know yet. the back of this book basically gives it all. It describes what this book is about and how guys are not really that confusing, as we girls think they are. In reality were the one's confusing ourselves.

In this book the Author Greg Behrendt gives many women's advice on guys that are not worth their time. He says that guys rather make up excuses to why he cant call you or see you, than to straight up tell you he is not that into you. He explains that many women's set up excuses for why guys wont call them or see them, and they never actually take the time to ralize their just waisting their time and beauty on a loser that does not even want them.

Here are some examples from the book;

In chapter one Greg open's Liz eyes on man. she tries to make rational excuses for the men that wont call her or wont try to see her again, but Greg lets her and many other women know that as soon as they quit setting up excuses for this man, this man will dissapear out of their lives and they will have the chance to find a better guy that will be interested in them, and that will treat them how they deserve to be treated. He points out the lies that man use on the ladies just to try to avoid them; such as he is too busy, he is going througgh struggles, or that they dont want to ruin their friendship, etc. He points out guys in his lies, and many women's try to make excuses for this man just to keep hearing from them or seeing them. He makes girls see that their worth more than a guy that avoids you makes you feel like.
The humor in this book is good. This book hause made me laugh with grreg's sarcasm; like when in this part it says " so on this particular day, one of the ladies pipes up with, "Greg you're a guy." she is very observant, this one, for i am a guy." This kind of sarcasm had me laughing.

In chapter three Greg talks about how girls assume that if a guy wants to hang out, he is immediatly trying to date her. But on many occasions the girls take things the wrong ways and try to make excuses for thing, just so in their heads this love affair (thats not even happening) plays off right. I have only read first half of this book, and i must say i cant put this book down. Its humor makes me laugh like no other book before and the main message on guys has kind of taught me some things. My next post should approach very soon


  1. This does sound good. I think they made a movie of it, but I never saw it. I heard it wasn't that good; the book sounds much better.

    You explained the humor very well; the quotes really helped show the humor. Be careful with grammar/typos.

  2. I heard this book was a great book. I'm pretty sure they made a movie of it, but I don't think it was well received. You did a great job of providing details from the novel to explain the humor in this book. The only thing to work on is editing the post for grammar/typos.


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