What is Humor?

Humor is "what makes stuff funny" and has the "power to evoke laughter." You will be exploring humor in a novel of your choice.

It is very important that you make wise decisions in this project since this is one of two major projects before the end of the year and it will take you several weeks.

For your individual novel, you get to choose a novel that uses humor. Making a good choice of novel will make this easier for you. Choose a novel that will expand and challenge your humor. Do not choose a novel just because you think it is short; this often makes things more difficult. Do not try to get away without reading the novel. This is a novel project - you need to READ a novel.

Make Wise Choices!

Make Wise Choices!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Zombie Butts From Uranus

This is a brief summary of the first part of the novel.

To start the story off Zach is in a butt fighting simulator which he fails. After Failing the simulator Zach leaves his butt fighting academy to head home to his grandma. On his way home he runs into a psychic who can tell your future by feeling your butt. The "bum-feeler" tells him he will be the savior of man kind and gives him three pieces of advice, save the world with tomato sauce, do the hokey-pokey, and don't fear the brown hole.

Meanwhile Zach's scientist parents (James and Judi) got a sample bum from Uranus because they found out they are what make up the planets rings. while preforming and experiment they dissect the butt and notice that it regenerates itself!!! Shorty after they notice an object crash into Uranus and explodes. The explosion wakes up all the butts on the planet and the butt on board with James and Judi. The butt attaches itself to James' real butt, this causes James to attempt to eat his wife. Judi takes the butt off and then it attaches over her bum, James wakes up and snatches the butt and disposes of it. The two fly back down to Uranus to investigate the crash.

And this is where I leave you hanging till next time.


  1. Although your writing style was funny (it made me laugh), I wanted less summary of the plot and more opinion and analysis of the humor.

  2. You have a great writing style/voice. It was very funny (it made me laugh). I would like more about the humor style of the novel rather than just a summary of the book.


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